BATTLE BEASTS aren't really PVCs but are little action figures. These guys were so awesome when I was a kid because us boys didn't have to feel bad about collecting cute little animals. Each figure had a little black square on their chest that would reveal their power when subjected to heat. You just pressed and held your finger over the little black sticker and after a few seconds the image would appear. It was very similar to "paper, rock,scissors" except in this case it was "water, wood, fire". Fire burns wood, wood floats on water, water puts out fire. The heat sensative section of their chest was actually a sticker referred to by collectors as a "rub" which kind of stinks because it ended up peeling or falling off most of the figures over time.
Also, each figure came with a little gray plastic weapon which was easily lost due to it's size. So if you have one of these Battle Beast figures with it's own unique weapon and intact rub, you've got yourself a valuable collectable.
I've got 11 of these Battle Beast figures. I also have one of the later figures where instead of the "rub" it has a small clear circle where you can just look inside to see it's power.
Here's some Cabbage Patch Kids PVCs I collected.
My sisters used to have a couple of these when we were kids.
These are all the Snork figures I found in the last 10 years or so. They are kind of hard to find in this area because I think they were offered in a fast food resturaunt that we didn't have around here. I've got three or four books on fast food collectable so I'll have to check. I'm pretty sure this isn't the whole collection.
Here's all I have left of an Alvin and the Chipmunks collection. I think I sold all the bigger items like stuffed dolls and windups on Ebay years ago.
Anyway, I don't know if anyone is interested in looking at this kind of stuff but I'm going to keep posting these PVC collections as I go through and photograph them anyway.
Really enjoying reading through your blog. Takes me back in time. I remember my older sister used to have these snork figurines on her dresser when I was little. If I remember correctly there was a green one that you don't have.
I've been looking for those Alvin figures everywhere. Thanks for posting. Do you know where they are from?
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