Judge Marilyn Milian, the hottest judge on TV (sorry Joe Brown).

Alex Rodriguez, I guess he plays baseball.

Jensen Ackles, from "Supernatural" and "Smallville".

Katey Sagal, best known for her role as Peggy Bundy on "Married With Children", and the voice of Leela on "Futurama".

Matt Leblanc, from "Friends" and "Lost in Space".

Matthew Fox, from "Lost" and Racer X in "Speed Racer".

Megan Mullally, from "Will and Grace".

Minnie Driver from "Good Will Hunting".

Owen Wilson, from "The Darjeeling Limited" and "Bottle Rocket".

Poppy Montgomery, from "Without a Trace" and "The Other Sister".

Rachel Hunter, fashion model and reality TV star.

Rebecca Demornay, from "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle".

Sean Hayes, from "Will and Grace" and the voice of the fish on "Cat in the Hat".

Thomas Jane, "The Punisher".