Jay is one of my favorite artists and has had his hand in everything I love (Mad Magazine, Garbage Pail Kids, Wacky Packages...) so of course I love him. He's extremely well-known for his work in underground comics.
He had mentioned on Facebook that he had a bunch of old personalized pens he came across in his home and would give one to anyone willing to mail a self-adressed stamped envelope. So of course as one of my heroes I had to do it. I had sent along a blank square of cardboard and asked if he had time to do a small sketch with the pen on it also. I figured the pen would mean a lot more to me if he had actually used it.
I don't know if the pen worked well or not but Jay was nice enough to mail back a fantastic self portrait on the card and gave me not only one, but two pens. What an awesome guy.
I told him I had a neat shadowbox I planned to display them in so when I got the letter back from him I went to work. I included an autographed card I got in one of the Wacky Packages series 7 packs also. Turned out fantastic in my opinion.
Thanks a lot Jay!
Here's the pics:

If you were wondering what "Um Tut Sut" means, Google it. It's a fun search.

Jay does these awesome commission pieces for fans based on characters from the Wacky Packages he's designed. I love his quick wit and sense of humor. Jay never seems to run short on ideas for new jokes and puns. Below are a few of my faves. I also included the original cards they were based on.

This next one included three different characters from spoofs on three 80's toy lines.

Thanks again Jay, maybe someday someone will be wise enough to do an independent film based on your life and experiences in the world of underground comics and art and you can become a millionaire. It happens.