I've had plenty to blog about just plain lazy and that's no excuse.
Here is some of my recent artwork to share.

A vintage Mr. Potato head. I was looking through an old toy catalog and was surprised to see what Mr. Potato head originally looked like. Check it out.

I had an idea for a spoof called "Angry Turds". After I drew this I found out someone had already thought of the idea first. Happens all the time.

I start to draw random monster/Halloween sketches around this time of year.

A couple designs I drew.
These next drawings were redrawn from a child's drawings I found in the recycling bin. I thought they were neat so I redrew them. I do this all the time because kids have the best ideas and imagination.




There were a few more of these but I can't remember where I put them. One was called "Zokma" a blue creature with horns and flippers.

Twinkie the Kid. My dad used to work for Hostess as I was growing up he had to dress in a Twinkie the Kid costume.

Choo-Choo I copied this from an old coloring book.

This idea just popped in my head, the devil luring children with treats and a chance to swing on his horns.

I call this one "Free Refills"! For a "How to draw Gross Stuff" book idea.
These two I drew all in ballpoint pen.

Garbage Pail Kid "Dirty Harry"

A creature I created.
These next three were all in colored pencil.

A "Wacky Package" style drawing I did based on an old cereal box cover.

Garbage Pail Kid "Live Mike" Took three days to finish. I changed the color of the guitar, added ears to him, and a couple other changes. Here's a scan of the original card:

I redrew this from a story in an old Disney magazine.

The last four are my gross babies for a "How To Draw Gross Stuff" book I was trying to make.

Snot Baby

Pee Baby

Ink Baby

Blood Baby
I did a couple more wood carvings but I'll save those for later. All for now.