Look for these packs in local stores. The only place to buy them in my area so far is Target.

There are 55 base cards in the series. It actually took me quite a few packs just to get all 55. I think I bought about 15-20. A lot of great "monster" gags which are my favorite type of Wacky Packages. Artist Tom Bunk had mailed me sketches he did for four of the cards in this series a while back so I was extra interested in getting copies of the finished cards.

The ads on the reverse sides of the cards are Wacky Packages from the previous series 6. As far as I can see.

The Bumpkins Dimwits card was painted by Brent Engstrom. He did 19 cards for this series and you can see his sketches for these on his site: http://monkeyboycomic.blogspot.com/2010/08/wacky-packages-all-new-series-7-2010.html

The backs of cards 10-18 form the Ditz crackers puzzle

Here's the sketch Tom sent me for the "Fraid" card.

I love this one and I have no idea who painted it? There's quite a few of these that I still have no clue. Help me out if you know.

This is another one Tom mailed me the sketch for. I sent it to Brent Engstrom for his birthday (also a huge Bunk fan).

Here's the sketch for this one from Tom.

Small sketch from Mr. Bunk.

The backs for cards 28-36 form the "Mountain Dude" puzzle

Fred Wheaton the artist who painted the original "Miracle Weep" card mailed me a personal sketch of the guy from the card back when it came out.

The card backs for cards 46-54 form the "KissKat" puzzle.

There are 20 "Wack-O-Mercials" cards with infomercial parodies on the backs. There are four different infomercial celebrities (Vince Vince, Ron Spiel, Billy Sprays, and Anthony Sellagain). Each card has 3 parallel inserts with different odds of finding them ( red 1:4, flash foil 1:12, and gold 1:701). I found one flash foil in the packs I bought and a handful of reds (more like pink).

Here's the "Wack-O-Mercials" cards

There are 10 foil cards in this set. I haven't got all of them but I'll share scans of the ones I do have. (if you've got doubles of any of the ones I'm missing I'd love them).
F1 Shrunken Donuts (not pictured)

F3 Pupsi-Cola (not pictured)
F4 Delinquent Spinach (not pictured)

F6 Screamsicle (not pictured)
F7 Icicle Playing Cards (not pictured)

It was about a week after I got it when I was placing cards into sleeves when I noticed that my F8 foil card had Jay Lynch's autograph on the back of it. I had forgotten that he had signed a certain number of cards for this series. Odds 1:701 packs. What a neat find.

As with previous Wacky Package series there are extra goodies to try and score to complete a full collection. Inside some of the packs is a card that advertises the Series 7 official collector's kit. It's a binder to store cards which comes along with an exclusive promo sticker (Poligripe). Topps has done binders like this before but this time instead of selling them in stores you have to order it online at shopTOPPS.com. I haven't ordered this yet.

One thing new that I did order from Topps is a set of two mini cereal box trays with three boxes of cards. These things are totally as cool as they look. Each one has it's own bonus sticker and a bonus "web card".

Here's scans of the boxes

Along with the bonus cards I got all but 2 of the base set.
Here is the bonus cards and web cards.

One thing I haven't found in stores yet is the blister packs which contain the other four bonus cards. Once again if you have doubles you can donate them to the Mr. Potter Nerd Foundation.
Here is pics off Ebay of those.

All in all it's a really great set and fun to collect. There is also a 1:2,340 pack chance of getting an artist sketch card if you're real lucky!