I found out it was going on when I took my daughter Sam to a local store in the afternoon called 18th Street Vintage. The guys at the store happened to mention it was going on and had hoped that some of the people that came into town would visit their store also.
So Sam and I decided to hurry over to the antique show since we knew there would be a lot to look at and could take quite a while. Thankfully I had the day off work. I've been to this show a few times and I knew it could take hours to look the place over.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
Sam and I scoured the place and saw all kinds of excellent stuff. I took some photos of the stuff I thought was cool.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
I've seen these old Mr. Potato head sets online before, but never one up close.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
Here's Mr. Potato Head's pal Frankie Frank.
Here is a neat Howard the Duck glass from 7-11.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
This magazine was a Mad Magazine knock-off that never made it past the first issue. When I went back to the booth to buy it, someone had beaten me to the punch.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
A fat Albert figure I'd never seen before.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
A non-talking PeeWee doll? I have one of these that was supposed to talk but the string broke. I saw another one of these at the show that was larger with a ventriloquist dummy mouth also.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
These wind-ups were $2.50 a piece. I tried to talk the lady down to $1.00 but she refused.
I found all these Evel Knievel dolls still in the original package.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
I also ran across three pieces of Pixieware which was popular during the late 50s and early 60s. They are jars and dishes with pixie heads on them. there are some really awesome ones if you get a chance to Google it sometime check out Howard Holt's "Pixieware".

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
I saw lots of vintage Marx figures including Nutty Mads, and my favorite classic monsters.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
Here's a pic of a California Raisin puppet I'd never seen before.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
I sold some stuff to a couple dealers there which was nice and I made $50. I only bought two things. I got a Topps garbage candy container, and I paid for a whole box of Star Wars ships just to get a gremlin figure that I saw in there. I came out quite a bit ahead.
When I got home and sorted through everything I found some neat figures down in the box including a Dungeons & Dragons figure, a Star Wars Taun Taun, and a dusty old Evel Knievel doll.

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18

By mrpottersfuntime at 2012-03-18
Overall it was a great time and a nice "daddy-daughter" day.