I finally finished up my "Paper Mario" project and I thought I'd share the finished figures. They must have taken me about 9-10 hours altogether to complete.

I decided to go overboard and do four of them at once. It took a lot more work than it looks.
I thought about making them stomping on a koopa but ended up making mushrooms for them to hold. the mushrooms are separate pieces and can be removed or switched around.

I'll probably sell these ones if anyone is interested. They look a lot cooler up close.

Working on those distracted me from my non-3D artwork for a bit. I still plan on posting scans of my college artwork for part 3 of my "art share" but I ended up writing a relatively long short story about my favorite summer art courses and it got a little out of control.
I've been picking through the local garage sales on the weekends and found some neat stuff. Here are some of the more notable finds:

I found an original Rubik's cube still in the container with instructions included (25 cents).

One of my favorite finds, a mechanical monkey with cymbals that works great. It squeaks, bobs back and forth, and clangs the cymbals. ($1.00)

As you may have seen in previous posts I collect Diener erasers so I was happier than a pig in shit when I ran across these two McDonalds premiums. ($2.00)

I also spent about an hour at one particular sale digging through boxes of old matchbooks picking out my favorite ones to use in future matchbook art.

I spent a blistering afternoon with my son Jack at a truck show/flea market digging through people's antiques and collectibles only to find one small figure I wanted. We paid $6.00 to get in and left drenched from head to toe in sweat. We had some good father/son time though.
I was hoping we could play together with my last garage sale find. I'm kind of curious about it and I want YOU my blog reader to help me out a bit.
This is the Amazing Kreskin's ESP game made in 1967 by Milton Bradley. I got this in great condition for $1.00.

This game includes lots of fun tests to see if you have extra-sensory perception (ESP). There are score cards where you can rate yourself and friends to see if you can pick up mental messages from others by using randomly picked cards with colors/symbols. There is also a pendulum that you dangle over a board to ask questions. The pendulum mysteriously sways and rotates to point out the answers (kind of like my Milton Bradley Ouija board except you don't get possessed by demons).

I'm pretty familiar with the Amazing Kreskin in fact in one of my previous blog posts I shared an autographed photo he mailed me.

He signed it "To Steve, ESPecially yours" Kreskin.
I'm not going to go into detail about his fame or abilities so if you want to know who he is, let's just say he was the David Blaine or John Edwards of the sixties. If you don't know who they are visit the Wikipedia.
I played around with the tests quite a bit...

I read my copy of Kreskin's book...

and now I think I'm ready to send you a message with ESP!! I'm pretty sure I can send you a message through the computer screen if you just look deep into my eyes. Below is the photo, you will see that in front of me is a large cardboard screen from the game. There is a row of symbols and a row of colored dots. I want you to pick one of the colored dots from the card after looking into my eyes for ten seconds. Pick whichever one you are drawn to the most. After you pick your color you can scroll down further and see the one I was thinking of.
Allright... ready... let's give this a shot...

Now scroll down through the headache inducing illusions to see if it worked...

If this worked make sure you post a comment here or on Facebook to let me know. If not, you are weak minded and an imbecile and it's all your fault.
I actually cheated a little, see if you can figure out my trick.