Here's my idea for the cover.

The "Contents" page would be layed out like the original card checklist and I'd try to get an original G.P.K. artist to do some sort of a foreword or introduction (John Pound, Tom Bunk). Then a few pages of history and then on to each series.

I like this one better with an actual piece of gum I scanned from an old pack of G.P.K. cards.
Each of the 15 series sections would begin with a nice photo of the package. I have all the original packaging so I can scan all these real nice. Each series would have it's own color scheme so it is easy to designate quickly between series.

The second page for each series has the card checklist, some images from the reverse side of the cards, and some fact/tidbits.

The cards will be shown in nice detail spaced 9 to a page which will take 5 pages for each series since only one (a or b) card image will be shown. That will be 4 pages per series. All images will be scanned from my personal collection. I would also like to have the series 2 giant cards and posters in the book. I have high quality scans of these already.
That will leave about a page and a half of nothing at the end of each series. So I've got to think up some kind of neat trivia or facts page, or fill it with illustrations or rough artwork/sketches.
E-mail me if you have suggestions. steveartfour@yahoo.com