I've continued using cards from the 15th series as reference for my doodles at work and going card by card sketching out each one.
I finished up my version of card #590 (Little-Leak Len/ Snot-Ball Saul). I thought it might be fun to put other baseball related GPK's on the field with him. There were three more I could find in the original 15 series but one of them (#603) was also in the 15th series so I figured I'd save him for later.

#590 Little-Leak Len/ Snot-Ball Saul

#140 Mouth Phil/ Tooth Les

#291 Homer Runt/ Screwball Lew

#603 Mitch Mitt/ Foul Bill
I put the first three in the drawing together and colored it with Photoshop.

I wasn't really very happy with the end result. If I could go back I would have done a team photo with all four cards, the Foul Bill from the giant card series, and the two players from the 15th series card-back "Flick-it" flip book. Who knows, I may do it sometime.

The next card #591 (Frank Footer/ Dog Bites Boyd) I sketched out in ballpoint pen.

I figured I'd just leave this one as-is and not mess with the coloring or background.
I did the same thing with the next card #592 (Extra Dexter/ Flabby Abby). That was a lot of fun drawing all those fat rolls.

I'm still working on the next card #593 (Footloose Fred/ Lucky Lew). It took me three days to draw this one. I kept messing up the proportions somehow and was kind of having a slump. I just kept throwing them away until I felt I finally got it right.

I never thought this card looked much like a GPK because with the animal features it seemed to come across more like a cartoon character. I know the cards were supposed to spoof the Cabbage Patch Kids so I always figured the animal related ones should have resembled the "Koozas" which were animal versions of Cabage patch kids.

I'll finish coloring this one eventually.

I decided to skip to card #595 (Mal Practice/ Intensive Carrie) next because honestly I felt it would be a little bit tougher with all the detail and I needed a challenge.

I drew the original illustration in felt-tip sharpie.

I also decided I was going to color this one old-school with colored pencils instead of the computer. I used the white colored pencil to blend the colors.

I did end up using photoshop to do the lights at the top.
I ask my friend Tim Pieper who is also a cartoonist to work on #596 (Sani Klaus/ Sick Nick). He is almost finished and it's looking good. I'll post a picture of it when he's done.