Jim Henson's "Return to the Labyrinth" by Jake T. Forbes, art by Chris Lie.
Book # 3 of 4 in the Return to the Labyrinth series. Toby the stolen infant brother of Sarah from the original story has now become heir to Jareth the goblin king's throne and he's trying to learn to control his powers to protect the kingdom from other characters who have misled and tricked him since he returned to the Labyrinth. That's the quick description.
There is quite a bit more to the story with great art in the style of the TokyoPop graphic novel. All kinds of new characters along with the classic creatures from the Labyrinth movie. It would make a great sequel as a movie in my opinion. It's a little bit darker at times and has some moments of sick humor.

"Ghost Hunter" by Hans Holzer.
Famous ghost hunter Hans Holzer begins the book with the story of how he started investigating spirits and uses a lot of tools and mediums to try and solve hauntings. I'm not really digging the whole seance/medium style investigation with the first few stories but I plan on sticking it out and finishing the book just to see if it's worth reading the other half-a-dozen Holzer books I have.